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Free Puppy Start Right Workshop

A detailed journey into how to raise, socialise and train your puppy to give them the best start.

You may be busy searching online for the answers to all your puppy questions, to make sure you get advice. But, if you don't choose the RIGHT advice, your relationship with your puppy is going to suffer. It's just facts. 

There's lots of conflicting information out there, let's face it! And the confusion can soon give you a headache. Making you feel anxious and stressed.

But the thing is, it really doesn't have to be that way. I'm all about bringing up to date advice, easy to follow and proven strategies to new puppy parents. So, you can start your journey together with confidence and achieve your vision of life with your puppy. 

The Puppy Start Right Workshop includes over an hour of expert puppy training advice!​

Organised into 4 parts for quick wins and easy to digest content. So, you can start implementing the RIGHT advice today. That's right today!​ Inside you'll find valuable content that'll boost your knowledge and understanding of; ​​

  • puppy essentials
  • developmental stages
  • how to organise your puppy's schedule and routine
  • how to start toilet training from day 1
  • positive socialisation and exposure
  • alone time
  • how to set up and use management strategies to prevent unwanted behaviour

But not only that, there's also a bonus tutorial - how to teach your puppy to LOVE their safe space (crate / pen training). Helping you to make puppy parenting a breeze. And it's all yours to watch and start implementing for free today!

​Pop in your details below and your freebie will be in your inbox in no time!

6 Modules

Part 1

Part 1 will help you prepare for your new pups arrival and gives you essential information about how puppies learn and their stages of development. 

Part 2

Part 2 provides an in-depth guide on how to organise your puppy's schedule and routine, start toilet training from day 1 and positively socialise and expose your puppy to the world around them.

Part 3

Part 3 gives you essential information about dog body language, and answers common questions about exercise and alone time. Use the suggested management strategies to prevent unwanted behaviour.

Part 4

Part 4 includes your BONUS tutorial to teach your puppy to LOVE their safe space (crate / pen) and gives you steps to success for teaching the foundation behaviours to your pup. 

Your next steps

The Puppy Start Right Workshop has given you the same tips and advice I give to my clients, who lead a life full of adventure and understanding with their amazing pup! 

But, what's next? 

Come and take a peek behind the curtain of our Puppy Wise Academy membership.

Lindsay xx

Modules for this product 6

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