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The Puppy Wise Academy

Unrivalled puppy training at home, on your schedule

Instant access to all the support you need to raise an awesome pup!

Looking for the ultimate solution to all your puppy training woes and wishes? 

You’ve landed on your paws here, our Puppy Wise Academy offers everything you’ll ever need to sail through puppyhood and beyond. 

The sustainable alternative to puppy training classes

We’re throwing out tradition here and ditching puppy training classes in favour of a much more effective alternative. 

Puppy training classes are fun, but they leave you unsupported once they’re over. 

You may find yourself wondering how to get that impressive puppy behaviour beyond the village hall, or questioning why things suddenly took a downward turn….

The truth is, you’re not doing anything wrong. It’s just that puppy training is a journey that starts before you even bring your puppy home and continues for far longer than your puppy classes account for. 

How could you possibly learn everything you need to know to equip you for life with your puppy in just 6 weeks? 

You can’t. And that’s why our Puppy Wise Academy gives you continuous access to me for as long as you need it. You can even start your training BEFORE YOU BRING YOUR PUPPY HOME, so you’re completely prepared to start your journey on the right paw! 

  • Over 80 puppy training videos + handouts
  • Train your puppy at home
  • Live Q&As so you’re never alone 
  • Short and easy training sessions
  • Prevent behaviour problems 
  • Continued support

This monthly puppy training membership gives you instant access to training modules you can start straight away. Plus direct access to me for as long as you need it. 

Lessons are broken down into short and manageable sessions so that you can easily incorporate training into your everyday life. Training little and often makes it simple for your puppy to learn new skills and habits.  

Unlock an enjoyable, stress-free life, full of adventure and promise 

  • instant access to over 80 puppy training videos that are short, fun and easy to do (plus quick to refer to handouts and trainer notes)
  • Exclusive access to our private Facebook community where you can post questions, share your training videos and get fast feedback to keep you on track
  • live weekly Q&As, where you can get your questions answered in real-time
  • exclusive access to new live classes each month
  • discounted 1-2-1 sessions whenever you need them (in-person or online)
  • course access for all the family so everyone’s on the same page
  • the confidence to train your puppy without second-guessing yourself

16 Modules

Start here!

This module explains everything you need to know.


  • The Puppy Wise Academy
  • Wags & Woofs Club
  • Discounted 1:1 Coaching Sessions

Equipment and Products

Equipment and Products will give you equipment and product recommendations, including how to search for the best food for your puppy. 


  • Equipment
  • Products
  • Food and Treats

Finding Your Paws

Whilst plans to bring home a new puppy can be very exciting; new or soon to be puppy guardians can also feel overwhelmed and anxious. 

So many questions, so many different approaches, which is the right way to settle your puppy into their new home?

The 'Finding Your Paws' module eases those worries and takes away the stress! 


  • Introduction to puppy toys
  • How puppies learn
  • Sleeping and night time routine
  • Puppy schedule and routine
  • Toilet training
  • Setting up management
  • Stages of development
  • Know your puppy's outlet
  • Socialisation for a pre-vaccinated puppy
  • Puppy biting and mouthing
  • Crate and play pen training
  • Introduction to body language
  • Handling and husbandry
  • Preventing separation anxiety

Week 1

Week 1 will get you and your puppy on track with socialisation, enrichment and preventing a common puppy challenge - jumping up!


  • Enrichment - what is it?
  • Enrichment project - cardboard boxes
  • Outings - your area
  • Introduction to a collar
  • Preventing jumping up
  • Introduction to human play
  • Find your puppy's motivation
  • Introduction to reward markers
  • Master your marker timing
  • Car and vehicle exposure
  • The name game

Week 2

Week 2 will get you and your puppy on track with introducing a harness and lead and preventing a serious issue - resource guarding!


  • Enrichment project - cups
  • Outings - the park
  • Introduction to harness and lead
  • Exposure to outdoor surfaces
  • Puppy obstacle course
  • Treat tournament
  • Preventing resource guarding (food bowl)
  • Introduction to sit
  • Introduction to down (option 1)
  • Introduction to down (option 2)

Week 3

Week 3 will help you to continue positive socialisation, provide enrichment and covers a very important skill - settling on a mat!


  • Enrichment project - muffin tin
  • Outings - lunch out
  • Preventing counter surfing
  • Exposure to sounds
  • Go check it out
  • Setting up for success on walks
  • Setting up your training area
  • Settle exercise - stage 1 (option 1)
  • Settle exercise - stage 1 (option 2)
  • Introduction to drop

Week 4

Week 4 will help you to continue positive socialisation and exposure, provide enrichment and covers foundation behaviours - attention and a nose touch.


  • Enrichment project - recycling
  • Outings - pet shop
  • Preventing chewing
  • Physical exercise
  • Collar and harness grabs and lead clips
  • Exposure to moving objects
  • Attention exercise - stage 1 & 2
  • Nose touch exercise
  • Handling - stage 1

Week 5

Week 5 will get you and your puppy on track with appropriate human greetings and introducing valuable skills; leave it and recall. We will progress the handling exercise.

The Look at That! game is really useful and effective. It will support your work on recall and loose lead walking, so be sure to spend time playing this game with your puppy. 


  • Enrichment project - find it
  • Introduction to puppy play
  • Ring a bell to toilet outside
  • Appropriate human greetings
  • Get it! Exercise
  • Look at that!
  • Introduction to leave-it (option 1)
  • Leave-it - stage 1 (option 2)
  • Recall - stage 1
  • Auto-sit exercise
  • Handling - stage 2
  • Doggie zen exercise

Week 6

Week 6 will teach you how to prevent door dashing and how to introduce water. We will progress loose lead walking and recall.


  • Enrichment project - the burrito
  • Introduction to water
  • Outings - a body of water
  • Preventing door dashing
  • Exposure to costumes
  • Attention exercise - stage 3
  • Recall exercise - stage 2
  • Loose lead walking exercise - stage 1
  • Leave-it exercise- stage 2
  • Settle exercise - stage 2

Week 7

Week 7 will get you and your puppy on track with extending the foundation behaviours you've already taught and introducing some new and fun exercises. 


  • Enrichment project - something frozen
  • Fun food circuits
  • Teaching using a nose targeting
  • Spin exercise
  • Paw target exercise
  • Attention exercise - stage 4
  • Recall exercise - stage 3
  • Leave-it exercise - stage 3
  • Feeding in position (loose lead walking skill)
  • Loose lead walking exercise - stage 2
  • Remain in position (stay) - stage 1

Week 8

Week 8 will round up your puppy's training. We'll extend some exercises you've already learned and introduce a few new fun exercises too! 


  • Enrichment project - DIY
  • Preventing digging
  • Attention exercise - stage 5
  • Loose lead walking exercise - stage 3
  • Taking your puppy's training on the road
  • Leave-it - stage 4 & 5
  • Sniff & go!
  • Remain in position (stay) - stage 2
  • Recall with a distraction
  • Puppy push ups
  • Peekaboo
  • Rollover
  • Leg weaves

Bonus Week

Bonus week includes videos I've shared inside the Facebook group, where puppy parents have asked a question and the best way to answer it is to make a video! 

Dive right in!

Don't forget to pop back every now and then because I might have added something new!


  • Enrichment project - cardboard tubes
  • Tutorial - puppy Kong / Toppl tie out toy
  • Check in (recall)
  • The counting game (recall)
  • Calmness around the harness / lead
  • Building a positive association with a harness
  • Loose lead walking top tips
  • Loose lead walking exercise with a food bowl
  • How to make a Christmas cracker for your puppy
  • Leave-it challenge - 1
  • Leave -it challenge - 2

Introduction to scent detection with Gemma from Sussex Canines

  • Live class recording
  • KONG nose touch
  • KONG nose touch on the floor
  • Indication on pots
  • Searching each pot
Modules for this product 16

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